Thursday, December 4, 2008

Peace and blessings manifest...

Here I am. Been locked in a ’lost soul mood’. Assuming I have failed myself, my family. Losing sight of my Purpose. As if everything that has happened hasn’t happened to fulfill my Purpose. It is not a one-time, this is my calling, thing. Its a series of life events you experience in the current life you’re living.

In school. Forced to leave school, running out of viable finanicial aid...having been a co-ed off/on for the past ten years. Little sister lets fam know she’s giving birth. Soon asks me to come out and care of her daughter as she works her work for the military. Of course I go.

I am beyond blessed to be here. I am thriving, though it isn’t always clear to me. Babygirl reminds me in her laugh, hand holding my finger, her all-around preciousness. The nectar of a childs love is sweeter than any God has created for us.

..with every lesson learned. I receive more than I can ever perceive in each one.

One Love.

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