Sunday, July 1, 2012

I Used to Love H.I.M. (so hard & strong too)

Some of us expand, some of us reduce, all of us change. Growing stronger or weaker everyday. A once close friend truly disappointed me the other day, in a way I didn't see coming. I thought we might heal our broken friendship over time, but who he is is no longer good for me & where I'm going. If you're not enhancing, enriching or elevating me, or I you, preferably both.. we have nothing. What he'll advocate, how he's fallen off to a very beaten & worn path, I can't roll with. I Used to Love H.I.M. Time to let go.

I am Lotus Blossom. My petals open wider each time I liberate myself. 

1 comment:

Amera said...

Its that growth factor, I too my beautiful sistar is Lotus Blossom I have loved and admired a few myself and have been disappointed because I thought something was the way I see it in my mind and then REALITY chimed in and I had to rub my eyes again...Life is Happening and I move on to Better :-)