You were correct to cut our every tie. As I had numerous times before. Though I'd come back you way again & again, feeling obligated to continuously offer you a chance, while it never felt right or good in, to or for me. That was my selfless act where you are concerned in my life herstory. Because, in that time, you loved me so. Yet I knew then, and even more now, how much you were never good for me. Nor I you, as you require a woman and mate who will worship you at your worst. While I don't begrudge this, I could never do it.
I know you, and loved you (once) for who you are,as you are, in all things and at all times. Still, I lost respect copiously, continuously. Until there were no remnants of possibility to gain it back ever again. I even hated you, which only lasted for seconds, as there was no point for such emotional bondage. No worth or necessary gain in it for my existence. As there is none in my seeking to maintain any semblance of connection with you.
I pray for your truth to come alive and be loved, honored and respected for what is. Let that circle begin with you, and never become undone, especially by you.
You may never read this, and that's of no consequence. For this is my release to bear witness to. Blessings always.
Cynequa (aka "Nequee" to you)